Chef Becomes an International Hero for Telling Vegans to 'Fuck Off' and Banning Them from His Restaurant

“Fuck vegans seriously. I’m done. At the end of the day, it’s not what I want to do, they can fuck off." - John Mountain, Executive Chef, Fyre Restaurant

These words of wisdom deserve to be hung in the kitchen and dining room of every fine dining establishment in the known world. They were spoken by this sage man, who is rapidly emerging as the sane voice of reason the world needs right now:

Perth Now - The Perth restaurant owner who banned vegans in a move that attracted international media attention said he was “close to tears” on Wednesday night after he received “overwhelming support” from the public.

Fyre restaurant in Connolly, owned by UK celebrity chef John Mountain, announced the ban via social media on Sunday after Mountain said negative reviews from vegans were putting his business at risk.

Since the ban, Mountain said support for the restaurant had more than cancelled out the negativity.

“The bookings have gone ridiculous; they have gone through the roof,” he said.

“The support from people is overwhelming, I’ve had one of the best chefs in the country walk in my back door earlier this afternoon, give me a hug and tell me he loves me.

“I guarantee you, 99 per cent of chefs across the world hate vegans.

“Because they’re a pain in the ass, you can never please them. We’ve always hated vegans, all chefs have.”

He said the irony of the vegan-led campaign against him was that it had delivered him priceless publicity. ...

Mountain said initial backlash — a barrage of one-star reviews on his restaurant’s Google page — initially had him “fearful” for his business.

“I thought this can’t be it, I know people don’t like bullies. Bullies in life, I despise them,” he said.

“All the vegans turned out bullying me, trolling me, giving me one star when they had not even been into my restaurant. That is unfair.”

Mountain cited one example of vegan activist Robyn Lawley, from New York, warning the restaurant owner that if he continued that mentality, she would assemble “any vegan in Perth” to “comment on his restaurant’s page.”

Giphy Images.

Lead us, Chef Mountain. And we will follow you into the fiery gates of Hell on this issue. Where we can find a tongue of brimstone flame, and grill a 3-inch thick Cowboy Steak to a nice medium rare.

This has been one of my pet causes - my passion projects - for a long time. Not limited to vegans per se, but speaking more broadly to what I call the Tyranny of the One. The one being one of those petty, self-possessed narcissists whose sole purpose on this Earth is to find something that gives pleasure to others, and demand it be stopped. Who insist you bend to their will, drop what you're doing, and cater to their every whim like they possess absolute power. And the only reason they've allowed themselves to act like that is because they never hear the word "NO." 

In this case, this single tyrant is finally hearing it. Better yet, the more appropriate turn of a phrase Chef Mountain used. These self-absorbed, solipsistic twats need to be told to fuck all the way off. Loudly. And repeatedly. Until it gets through their protein and calcium-deficient skulls they're not welcome to tell everybody else how to run their restaurant. Or try to put them business for the crime of insufficiently kissing their pasty green-hued asses. 

Mountain messed up by forgetting this one vegan's specialty order. He was catering a private party and it slipped his mind he had told this one (non)customer he'd put something together for her. That's on him and he admits it. But how much of an inflated sense of self worth do you have to expect a busy restaurant to take time away from serving all the other patrons who came there solely to order off the carefully designed menu, just to prepare dinner for one? I mean, I suppose she's not wrong to ask. But that takes a set of brass balls you'd never see from an omnivore. None of us would go to a vegan place and demand they make us veal cutlets. Such a thing is unimaginable. Unless it's going in the other direction. 

A generation now of catering to the every whim of the Tyranny of the One has produced this sense of entitlement. That is, until now. It stops here, on Chef Mountains watch. This far. No further. Not one more step back. From now on, eating establishments can provide for these herbivorous grazers, or simply choose not to. And every 1-star review is going to be like ringing the dinner bell for the rest of us to go there and support that place. Because there will always be more of us than there are of them. Tt's time we started remembering that, stopped letting them judge us, and stopping allowing them to force our finest restauranteurs to do a monkey dance every time one of these zealots threatens to destroy them. 

So fuck off indeed. Have a burger and lighten up. I hope you all get served by the Vegan Police:

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